Career Planning
Released on = September 13, 2006, 6:06 am
Press Release Author = webmaster
Industry = Education
Press Release Summary = HotCareersUSA has targeted resume distribution system provides best resume distribution services and send resumes to job employers and recruiters.
Press Release Body = Career planning is not an activity that should be done once -- in high school or college -- and then left behind as we move forward in our jobs and careers. Rather, career planning is an activity that is best done on a regular basis -- especially given the data that the average worker will change careers (not jobs) multiple times over his or her lifetime. And it\'s never too soon or too late to start your career planning. Career planning is not a hard activity, not something to be dreaded or put off, but rather an activity that should be liberating and fulfilling, providing goals to achieve in your current career or plans for beginning a transition to a new career. Career planning should be a rewarding and positive experience. The most critical element of your US job search knows in which industries you are most likely to be hired. To be successful in the USA, you must have the job-search tools and the know-how to compete head-to-head successfully with an American applicant. If you plan to go to the USA as a temporary-worker, you must prove to American immigration that you are not replacing the talents of an American worker and that no other American worker could do what you do or wants to do what you do. The most critical element of your US job search knows in which industries you are most likely to be hired. Nobody expects you to be able to hire everyone you interview for an IT position, but applicants expect companies to do a better job interacting with them. notes that job searching can be frustrating and demeaning because employers in India generally do a poor job filling positions, which is also a common complaint I\'ve heard from Jobnet Magazine readers. \"When someone takes the time and trouble to apply for a job, they expect to be treated with respect, not ignored or mistreated. After you fill a position, send a brief e-mail notice to each applicant so they can cross the potential opening off their lists instead of waiting by the phone. Write postings that make sense for jobs that actually exist, rather than using a brief or general job description, no company name, and a fax number for resume submissions. Give applicants who are enthusiastic about the opportunity the ability to call your office and talk with someone knowledgeable about the position. Instruct your security guards and receptionists with steps to follow if a job seeker arrives without an appointment. Even if you can\'t let him in or send someone to meet with the job seeker, ask for copies of the person\'s resume. Treat job seekers with respect and dignity. Read more at: - Keywords: - employment, employing, resumes, submit resumes, searchable resume database, recruiting, hiring, transition, and interview.
Web Site =
Contact Details = Address, 309A Ridge Rd City - Revere State - Massachusetts Country - USA Zipcode 02151 Phone 617-256-5558
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